Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Caught in the grip of a sinking ship.

Yes, I titled my latest blog entry after one of my own lyrics. I get to do that because I am...modest. Tonight wrapped up 4 days of recording the first proper ZTS demo, and not a moment too soon as we play with Pegboy this Friday (an All Ages one at that-yay kids!).

Sleep has been in short supply as of late. I've been restless, but not too irritable or discontent. I am used to hitting the pillow no later than 1:00 AM on most days but lately have been drifting off closer to 3:00 AM, and in the case of this past Friday night, up until 5:00 AM. I'd love to know what's causing this.

Evidently M. and I are no longer friends. She's denied it had anything to do with my not wanting to explore a romantic relationship with her, but it seems like opening up to her about past relationships and my desire to want to mend fences with some of them was too much for her. Oh, and apparently I was supposed to be mad at whoever she was/is mad at. Sorry, I prefer playing Switzerland than to get caught up in yet another woman's petty drama.

Ok, forget what I said about not really being irritable or discontent.

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