Sunday, July 22, 2007

Interview With A Wiseass

Tonight after work I met Dan over at the Cobra Lounge where we were interviewed for a forthcoming Naked Raygun dvd. Released this fall, this documentary is due to feature Naked Raygun's performance at last year's Riot Fest as well as interviews with the band, their many fans as well as bands that can count Raygun as an influence. Nursing a tonic and lime, Dan and I answered questions and busted each other's balls just like in 88's heyday. I'm not sure how this will transfer over in the end, but in the midst of the interview I couldn't help but think that the two of us have this...rapport that I missed the past, oh 8 years or so. We were told we were the funniest interview out of everyone they sat down with. Methinks they will have to do some serious editing, though. Stay tuned-the dvd is due out by Riot Fest 2007.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

The Fountain

After dropping The Boy off in the 'burbs, I elected to decline on an invitation to go see Sicko (remember when I talked about people coming out of the woodwork? Some of them are a little more aggressive than others.) and instead watched The Fountain. I sure am glad I ended up watching this movie solo.

Three stories - one each from the past, present, and future - about men in pursuit of eternity with their love. A conquistador in Mayan country searches for the tree of life to free his captive queen; a medical researcher, working with various trees, looks for a cure that will save his dying wife; a space traveler, traveling with an aged tree encapsulated within a bubble, moves toward a dying star that's wrapped in a nebula; he seeks eternity with his love. The stories intersect and parallel; the quests fail and succeed. Taken from The Fountain's IMDB page

Watching this movie, I couldn't help but think of the serious relationships of my past. Would I have done anything and everything for these women? Perhaps for a few of them I would have, but selfishness and insecurity prevented that from happening. That, and perhaps none of them were part of the plan that's been laid out for me.

Tonight I remain optimistic that I will find that someone.

Friday, July 6, 2007


After watching someone who I deemed a "hack" talk about the significance of the number 7 (in honor of 7/7/07), I decided to do a bit of research and looked up what's called my "Lifepath Number", the number 9. Here's how it's broken down:

Tom Cruise was born 7-3-1962 Break down the birthday numbers:




1 is the Lifepath Number for Tom Cruise.

...and here is what they say about my Lifepath Number:

NINES are the natural leader. People assume they are in charge even if they are not. If in a department store, people think they work there. They take care of everyone else but need to learn to speak up when they need help, love, and hugs. 9s often feel unloved or abandoned by their mother or father, or they feel completely responsible for them. It's hard for them to let go of the past.

I'm a bit freaked out as to how accurate this is.

My "Attitude Number"(add month and birth day together)? Semi-accurate, I guess:

The 8 Attitude,
More often than not, with an 8 Attitude,They are reading Investor's magazine or brainstorming on how to make some money, and establish financial security. If they have family, then they want to be a good provider. The flipside of the 8 Attitude is that money can seem completely unattainable. Money will slip right through their fingers.The 8 Attitude has no problem telling you what they really think.They can be a little too blunt, so it is best to keep their sense of humor and focus on the positive things in life!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Just back from some Fourth Of July festivities at Dan's, where I hung out with some new bandmates in addition to Dan's dad, sister and brother-in-law who I hadn't seen in a good eight years. Dan's girlfriend was there was well, a funny woman with a son a year older than Liam and a daughter a year younger. Liam got along with them famously which is great, especially since they'll be hanging out most Monday nights together while the band practices. The cookout today was a last minute idea so we grabbed what we could at Walgreens in the way of snacks/brats and grabbed a variety pack of fireworks as well. Fireworks scare the crap out of me personally, having burnt my hand pretty bad as a kid, but far be it for me to ruin any fun for The Boy. The way his face lit up as he lit one after another was at once entertaining as well as scary. He's quite the pyro it seems. The band seems to be on a high still from this past rehearsal as things are going amazing. I am writing some of my best lyrics in years. We're aiming for a September debut but do not want to rush anything of course.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


I should have known something was amiss when The Boy didn't jump right out of bed this morning. He's normally up right at 7 AM with me and has been having a blast hanging with new buddies at camp. This morning was a later wakeup due to my day off and an 8 AM wakeup did not go very well (and I thought I wasn't a morning person). The change in temperature seems to have done a number on Liam's allergies so he's staying home from camp today. Lunch with E in the 'burbs is now up in the air, but if he's feeling better we may still head down. Assuming said allergies do not knock the kid out, we're planning on catching The Transformers movie later in the afternoon; I don't know who's more excited.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Zombies With Cell Phones Smokin' In The Boys Room.

You ever seem to have one of those days when everyone's on your case, from your teacher all the way down to your best girlfriend? Well, that used to happen to me all the time, but I found a way to get out of it. Let me tell ya about it:

Pardon the excursion into some Motley Crue (by way of Brownsville Station) as it really has been one of those days. The moment I walked into work this afternoon (call me responsible/stupid/both, but I had some end of the month business that I wanted to get through rather than have pile up come Monday morning), I was hit with issue after issue. I kept hearing the words of Dante Hicks (Clerks) echo in my head, "I'm not even supposed to be here today!" Shortly before I am set to leave I hear from dear old mom who starts in on my finances, always a touchy subject with us (to say that a lecture from a 60 year old woman to her 34 year old son is demoralising would be putting it mildly). Soon enough, The Boy and I hi-tailed it out of there and grabbed a late lunch/early dinner followed by a trip to Best Buy where I (gulp) bought my son his first cell phone, a basic $30 phone with $20 worth of minutes on it. I decided after my bought of paranoia during the week that I'd like him to have one so that he's able to check in with me, especially on the evenings where traffic dictates a late pickup. Man, I hope I made the right decision...

An offer was put out there tonight for a late night movie (The Fountain) with an ex who's in town for the week. Tempting as that offer is, with my present state of...well "Denis-ness" is the best way to put it, I thought long and hard (easy...) about it and decided to pass. Instead, Liam and I watched Shaun Of the Dead (rather, I did-Liam was engrossed with the game on his phone), and with him now in bed I'm up wondering what could have happened and what could have been.