Monday, March 24, 2008

Why, yes

Reading my last blog entry, I can see why some have commented that I seem to have held onto a certain amount of anger toward A; I simply used that relationship (my last one before now) as a frame of reference to indicate that my reconnecting with Vegas (side note: code names to describe former/current people in my life has it's advantages; I regret my previous ridiculing on the matter. Oh, and for the record, my code name is slightly hypocritical coming from the person who bestowed the name upon me...but I digress) is (and has always been) void of any of the...trappings, shall we say, that ultimately led to the downfall of my last relationship.

Easter with the family came and went with little fanfare. My stepuncle is inching closer and closer to dementia, much to the consternation of my stepdad. So many lists with filled with names written down and thrown away; my stepuncle got up several times over the course of dinner to rummage through the trash to find a list of actors from Casablanca. We were told to just ignore him when he asked questions related to his lists. So sad. After eating like a champ, I promptly passed out on the couch, to be awoken be the jumping of my lovely stepniece as the kids all opened up their goodie bags.

No practice this week, so I really need to get these damn taxes done. Procrastination always bites me in the ass. I'm giving some thought to catching Howlin Rain at the Empty Bottle on Thursday night and getting a group together for dinner at Kuma's on Friday. Bring on the working week.

PS. Listen to Yeasayer. You'll thank me later

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