Thursday, May 29, 2008

Little triggers

Tonight I was set to see The Boy one last time before he headed up to MN for the summer, but due to a delay in closing their house, he is going to see through to the end of this school year in Illinois and possible another 1-2 weeks while his stepdad waits on their buyer to get all cleared up. Stoked. Speaking of financial snafus, I have some of my own to contend with based on the credit report I've read. With any luck I can work on getting some of this crap cleared in the next several weeks. What's galling to me is a delinquent child support payment from years ago. YEARS! Now I may not be the most frugal of folks, but barring any periods of unemployment I always made sure to send money (I paid cash for a time there; that's what may be slapping me now). I'll get there...

I've been asked to dog/house sit for Precision while he takes his girlfriend and her kids to FL for ten days next month. Since I owe the man big time, I figured it was the least I could do, even if it does mean staying in River Grove. I'll have a bitchin' plasma tv and a jacuzzi which seem to make up for the out of the way commute into work during that period.

Tonight is D.'s last night here, so I'm heading out to Lincoln Square for dinner and a movie. Maybe I should bring some mace in case we get jumped?

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