Sunday, September 23, 2007


Just back from my 20 year grade school reunion, and any hesitation I had about showing up solo vanished pretty quickly once I discovered that, with few exceptions, most came by themselves. It was interesting to see how everyone had changed (in appearance if not necessarily in behavior). Word of my musical exploits reached many as I attempted to catch folks up on what I'd been up to all this time. Most seemed surprised that I had a 12 year old son, and I was surprised myself that some of my former classmates' kids were attending our old school and being taught by some of the very same teachers that we had. I found myself mildly aggravated when a few people asked "Are you married? Not anymore? Dating? Just haven't found the right one?" Err...yeah, something like that. I'm sure they meant well. As the night went on, those moderately buzzed turned borderline belligerent and I made my exit.

Minutes before walking into the reunion, I received word that a friend of mine in the program had been hospitalized. Details are scarce at this point and, as my name was on a short list of people she'd like to talk to, I hope to speak with her at some point tomorrow. Hearing this pretty much puts whatever feelings of loneliness and frustration I have to shame.

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