Sunday, November 11, 2007

Laughing all the way to the...

I laughed more last night that at any other time in recent memory. Such as basic response, yet so powerful. I've had some thoughts weighing on my mind in recent days (Dad and the Estate, Liam being MIA over the holidays-more on that later) so the reverie last night was much needed.

Yesterday began with lunch with M. at The Harmony Grill (Kuma's was packed to the gills at 2pm...damn) It's always refreshing hanging out with her. Headed to Lincoln Park around 8pm for a get-together thrown by one of my co-workers and attended by some former colleagues. It was good to catch up. I ended up being one of the only two straight men at the party which made it even funnier when the topic of relationships came up (I was a good boy and kept my mouth shut). I bid farewell around 10:30pm and shot over to the Metro in time to catch the majority of Do Make Say Think. I'd been hearing from M. earlier in the evening and he'd been trying to get me to meet up with friends at various watering holes and I was a bit hesitant as I wouldn't be sure how awake I'd be after the aforementioned show. Sufficiently jacked up on coffee and Coke, I headed over to the the Blind Robin and met up with more blasts from the past than I had anticipated (among the group was B., one of the last-if not the last relationship I was in before I got engaged). After, "ego massaging", I headed home at around 2am grateful for the company and even grateful for the chance to reconnect with some old friends.

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