Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Ho Ho Ho

Still in my pj's at 1:00PM with no intent on getting out of them until tonight, if at all. The heat in my apartment is sorta functioning, which is better than things had been in days past. I've managed to peel myself away from my...excuse me, THE BOY'S new Xbox and have done a pretty good job of keeping away from Halo 3. The goal is to surprise L. with it when he gets back from Disneyworld next week, but I can hear the game calling me. I can, I swear! I have basically zero video game skills (I think I peaked with the Super Nintendo), so it should be interesting to see what I can learn from my son.

Yesterday afternoon/evening was spent with Mom and the stepfamily in Park Ridge. It's nice to see that our families have been able to assimilate so nicely. My brother is adamant that I "get with it" and get an iPOD, even going so far as to buy me an iTunes gift card and Best Buy gift card to go toward at least an iPOD Shuffle. Now I know I am a prime candidate for music consolidation, but I like playing compact discs; I like to look at the artwork and lyrics. I'm also a bit apprehensive about downloading anything on this laptop at it has crashed a few times already. Some of my more computer-savvy friends have suggested bypassing the iPOD altogether and going with a decent MP3 player. The one I have I got as a freebie and wouldn't you know it-it doesn't work. I'm sure I'll get something soon, though. Then again, I could always sell the iTUNES card and use the Best Buy card toward more Xbox games. Hmmm...

I was grateful to celebrate my 35th birthday on Sunday with bandmates, my cousin and a beautiful woman, over the best pizza in Chicago. M. and I have reached a point where we can see the potential of a great romantic relationship developing, but we both have our own---er, "hangups" and remain apprehensive as we have established such a good friendship. The last thing either of us want to do is ruin a good thing by getting all romantic. Ha. Logistics have put the ice on things with EG but we do remain friends and I can't see that going away.

Going through The Onion's The Year In Film 2007, I was happy to see that 8 out of their 10 movies of the year were ones that I have already seen (and enjoyed) or plan on seeing in the not too distant future. On the subject of films, M. and I may catch Juno later today, should I decide to get dressed, that is. The more I think about it, couch time seems much more appealing.

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