Monday, June 25, 2007

Liampalooza Day 1-1/2

Picked up Liam yesterday to begin our Summer. I thought this day would take forever, and events of the past few weeks only made it feel like I was crawling toward our start. After some shopping for lunch goodies we celebrated night 1 over bbq pizza and 28 Days Later.

Dropped Liam off early this morning for his 1st day of Day Camp. Beginning at 11:00 AM, I called the park to double check that he did in fact check in. Yeah, I need to mellow out. After a somewhat hectic day at work (too much to do in an abbreviated amount of time), I picked The Boy up, saying hi to W. in the gym. After dropping Liam's stuff off in the car we checked out the local library where Liam will be hanging a couple of hours each day until I pick him up. Weighing our options for (early) dinner, it occurred to me that we haven't done much hanging in Lincoln Square since the end of my last relationship and I started to get a bit...anxious. I know-ridiculous, right? Halfway into our meal at Costello's and I realized that I simply need to make new memories-I can stay focused on the past, and by doing so continuing to mull over what I could have done better; or I can move on and make new memories. Step one (ha!) involved a trip to Laurie's Planet Of Sound. I haven't been in there since things were...different, and it was good to see Adam (the discount didn't hurt either!). I promised Liam an overdue trip to Quake Collectibles so we hit that before grabbing a mocha at The Grind and heading home.

Bring on more summer days like this, I say. Minus the silly thoughts, of course.

Side Note: Talking to K. online today, I think there may be a trip to Seattle come Labor Day Weekend. The Bumbershoot Festival lineup looks killer.

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