Saturday, October 6, 2007

Bam, Motherfucker. Bam.

I'm at the tail end of the new Iron and Wine cd, The Shepherd's Dog, and I have to say I am quite surprised at how much I enjoy it. Sam Beam's voice is quite soothing and musically he seems to have taken a queue from his one-time backing band, Calexico (their collaboration, In The Reins having been my first real introduction to Beam save for his Postal Service cover on the Garden State soundtrack).

Thoroughly enjoyed dinner with D. and the gang earlier tonight at Kuma's Corner and afterwards we split a cab over to the Underground Lounge for the big celebration (J. and H. preferred having a show featuring some reunited bands in lieu of a bachelor/bachelorette party). I hadn't been there in a few years, when the venue was named Magoo's Underground Lounge and K. and I went there for some live band karaoke (I owned and still own Billy Joel's "You May Be Right", thank you.). The air of nostalgia was more than welcome as old friends reunited and the alcohol flowed (yours truly scored some free Red Bull from the bar-thanks, C.). In true Denis fashion, I ducked out as the drunk became drunker and my eyes became heavier. Made a quick stop to the Pick Me Up Cafe for a mocha and headed home with plans to meet up with D. tomorrow night after an early dinner at Mom's.

Ah, I hear the bed's calling my name.

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