Monday, July 21, 2008

Pitchfork Day 3 and then some

Eight hours at Union Park Saturday was enough to convince me I didn't need to spend as much time there on the final day of the festival. Having dogsat again in River Grove, I headed back to the apartment yesterday after a stop at Borders and napped a few hours before leaving the car near the Empty Bottle. Minutes later, I met up with McFlakesalot and we took the Ashland bus down to the fest.

Walked in just as M. Ward was starting and it only took a few minutes of that bland dreck to convince us that a walk to the merchandise area was in order. One Spiritualized shirt procured, we caught a bit of a rescheduled Ghostface and Raekwon before deciding that not only did we not want to throw our hands in the air, we truly did not care for that matter. A few texts from my old pal Minnesota and the 4 of us (now, Goluckate? Graete? Come on, work with me) had a primo spot for Spiritualized. Until their set I would have laughed loudly in your face if you were to describe any music to me as "face-melting"; one hour and a killer Spacemen 3 "cover" (Spiritualized's leader's former band) later, not only was my face melted, my jaw had to be lifted from the mud. A. Maze. Ing.

Dinosaur Jr. had to have known that they'd be hard pressed to follow up such an electrifying set and though I heard some surprises (2 songs from the Lou Barlow-less lineup), I made my way out of the park after just a few songs and split a cab back to Division and Western. Upon exiting the taxi, my phone dropped on the floor and the driver bolted before I could stop him. Dammit.

My night was not over, however, as I headed into the Bottle and bore witness to the screaming psychedelic beast that is Nachtmystium, followed by some "thunder pop", courtesy of the increasingly amazing Torche. I regrettably headed out before Boris began for fear of turning into...The Narcissistic Pumpkin!


This weekend's Wicker Park Fest looks amazing and seeing as I managed to blag my way on as a plus one for the Isis show at Subterranean, this coming weekend will be a long and loud one indeed.

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