Sunday, July 27, 2008

Small world? Maybe not.

The apartment is 90% packed up, save for the little dinner/silverware I have and my closets which remain full of clothes on hangers. I'm hoping to get the keys from the condo owner tomorrow so I may begin to load my stuff in the new digs and head down to Day 2 of the Wicker Park Fest.

Earlier today I met up with McFlakesalot and caught Prefuse 73 at the fest. While she's made a concerted effort to put herself out there and interact after months of...well, keeping to herself, I got the feeling abstract hip hop/electronica was not her thing and I couldn't help but wish I was there with my wife instead. Playing wingman for a woman who won't talk to anyone is a mundane job indeed.

After a trip to Quimby's and then Reckless I bid adieu to "the flake" and headed over to Subterranean where Texas had a spot +1 for us (courtesy of Decibel Magazine). Sober now 3 months, TX shared that she's committed to staying drink-free but isn't sure if the program is right for her. She then showed me pics of some new AA friends on her iPhone, one of whom was a woman I dated for a few months back in 2006. Oh boy. As if that wasn't odd enough, I ran into another old AA acquaintance who, like several other people I found out, really thought I had gotten married, that I quit my band and moved to Las Vegas to be with my new wife (so I'm 1 for 3 on that April Fool's joke).

This run-in, combined with an earlier reunion this week with more AA folks at the Empty Bottle and a few e-mail exchanges with my old sponsor has me thinking I'm being dangled some sort of sober carrot. Who knows?


Before I forget, Step Brothers is a crude, insensitive, absolutely gut bustingly hilarious movie and Will Ferrell's best work since Anchorman.

As you were.

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