Monday, July 14, 2008

A great case of the Mondays

Today was semi-productive, in the sense that I registered my license plates with my new address (no sense in paying $80 for a Chicago city sticker when I'll only be a resident for roughly two more weeks); I also did some more consolidating here in the apartment and arranged for some movers for 7/28. In a perfect world, I could get some stuff moved in the weekend before (and then head to the Wicker Park Fest) but it's out of my hands-if it's meant to be it will happen.

Confirmed plans with my cousin to hang out at the Pitchfork Music Festival this coming weekend. I always felt bad we didn't hang more last year; then again, my mind was on...other things. The plan is to get to the festival in time for Sebadoh on Day 1 and as I'm working that Saturday, haul ass back there in time to catch Fleet Foxes (what old school My Morning Jacket fans wish they still sounded like, with added Beach Boys-style harmonies). Though I am still sans player, I did download iTunes to my laptop and have managed to snag quite a few releases (through Soulseek) from artists playing Pitchfork that I had a passing interest in (No Age-now that is some good shit; Cut Copy was a surprise as well). Take those artists combined with new releases from the bands I already planned on catching and I have one helluva mix). I also am nerding out to a "shuffle" of Boris, Torche and Nachtmystium, all who are playing a Pitchfork aftershow next Sunday.

The countdown until husband and wife are together for good has begun; this time next month, D. and I will make you all very, very ill with our adorable displays of affection. You've been warned.

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